Friday, April 4, 2008

12 Awesome Office Prank Videos

As long as there have been offices, there have been office pranks. There is just something about spending 8 hours behind a desk or inside a cubicle that awakens the prankster inside us all. And whether it's filling cars with golf balls, turning a cubicle into a miniature house, or making people fall out of their chairs, office pranks are some of the best pranks around! Here are 12 of the funniest office pranks you're likely to see (in no particular order).

1) Cubicle converted into a home

In what may go down as the most epic and flawlessly executed office prank ever, these co-workers turned someone's cubicle into a full-fledged house. The pranksters had plenty of time while their co-worker enjoyed a month long vacation. When he finally returned, he found that his regular old, run-of-the-mill cubicle had been transformed into a shed, complete with windows, shingles, paint, trim, flowers, a lamp and a mailbox.

2) Car full of golf balls

We all look forward to the end of the workday when we can head to our car and cruise home in the peace and quiet we worked all day to enjoy. What one man wasn't counting on, however, was the fact that a couple of his office buddies filled his SUV to the brim with golf balls during the day. The pranksters catch everything on camera from high above in their office building, from the man walking to his car to the torrential flood of golf balls that hits him when he opens the door. Classic!

3) Cubicle foiled

This man returned to work to find his cubicle and computer completely covered in tinfoil! You should be picking up on a common theme by now: leave your cubicle for extended times at your own risk!

4) 1000 balloons

These office clowns blew up 1,000 (that's right, one thousand) balloons by hand and put them all in their boss's office. It would've been pretty tough to pull that off during business hours, so these guys waited until the dead of night to come in at 12:20 in the morning and hatch their scheme.

5) 55lb bag of resin

One man came back from vacation to find 55lbs of nylon resin sitting open in his overhead cabinet. As the YouTube caption warns, "this is what happens when you fill an office with engineers!"

6) Mooning the photocopier - and breaking it!

One of the classic office pranks is sitting on the photocopier to get a picture of your rear end. It's funny, but not so much when you're so heavy that you actually fall through the glass when you sit on the photocopier! We can't be sure, but it must have been an interesting afternoon when it came time for this man's quarterly performance review!

7) Rigged desk

Everybody has days when they can't seem to get anything done, but it's especially difficult when someone glues your phone together and rigs your desk drawer to an air horn that blows every time you try to open it! The hard work and preparation pays off when the owner of the desk sits down and the rest of the office erupts in laughter.

8) Operation "Care Bare Stare"

In another chapter of the "you'd better watch your cubicle" saga, this man had his turned into a Care Bears shrine, complete with balloons, new wall tiling, and rainbow decorations.

9) Snakes in the Pringles

Everyone loves the old "snakes in the can" trick. These office clowns opted to stash their springing snakes into a female co-worker's Pringles can. The video is helpfully narrated, with arrows pointing to the victim and the Pringles can before the prank actually happens.

10) Computer scare

We've all been a victim of "that e-mail prank" where we stare at the screen for 2 minutes only to have a horrific, screaming face burst out of nowhere and scare the hell out of us. Most of us are surprised, but the woman in this video screams and falls completely out of her chair as her pranksters laugh in delight.

11) Rewired office

The pranksters in this video are in close competition with the prank number 1 for effort. They actually took the effort to rewire their technology-illiterate boss's entire office, making the light switch turn on the radio, the computer turn on the fan, the fan make loud rap music play, and so forth. The prank ends with the boss getting stuck inside a dark elevator while his pranksters watch him freaking out on the security camera. Priceless!

12) Rat in the donuts

These pranksters put a fake but moving and extremely lifelike rat inside a Dunkin' Donuts box and set it on the table. Watch the video and you'll see employee after employee walk by, open the box, and recoil in instinctive terror!

Original here

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