Sunday, November 22, 2009

Crispin Porter's Gap Ad Leads to Boycott for Not Using the Word "Christmas," Even Though It Does

By Kyle Munzenrieder in Flotsam

YouTube - Go Ho Ho - Gap 2009 Holiday Commercial.jpg
It's almost time for the Holidays, which means it's time to cover your house in lights, find a present for your weird uncle Adolfo, and, oh right, the annual War on Christmas.

The American Family Association kicked things off early this year by calling for a two month boycott on Gap Inc.

"The Gap is censoring the word Christmas, pure and simple. Yet the company wants all the people who celebrate Christmas to do their shopping at its stores? Until Gap proves it recognizes Christmas by using it in their newspaper, radio, television advertising or in-store signage, the boycott will be promoted," reads their website (which also has a page on how Nazis started the War on Christmas).

But Gap's Ad this year, done by our favorite Coconut Grove-based Ad Agency Crispin Porter + Bogusky actually does use the word Christmas, as in "Go Christmas, Go Channuka, Go Kwanza, Go Solstice."

Though, we'll never understand why some groups absolutely insist on making sure their religions are exploited for commercial gain. If it makes the AFA feel any better, Gap also sells these "Merry Christmas" boxers, so you can, uh, celebrate the Birth of Christ in your pants.

Meanwhile, we're boycotting Gap's sister brand Old Navy because of their stupid Super Modelquins commercials. I swear, if I hear the phrase "party cardi" one more time...

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